Magnetic Basalt Of The Baltic Sea Object

uqyqÿ m;af,ka yuq jQ jir 14000 la merKs hdkdj msgilaj, tllao@

iaùvk m¾fhaIlhka msßila úiska fnda,aála uqyqÿ m;=f,ka fidhd .;a fï w;aNQ; mdIK ;eáh hdkdjlg wh;a fldgila nj ;yjqrej ;sfnkjd' fuys úfYaI;ajh jkafka th jir 14"000 la mrKs nj ikd:ùuhs' óg fmr iel lrkq ,enqfja fuh fofjks f,dal hqO iufha§ ysÜ,¾ Ndú;d l, ryis.; wdhqOhla f,ihs' kuq;a jvd;a m%lg jqkq u;h jqfha fuh msgilaj, hdkhla fyda hdkhl fldgila njhs' th mÍlaIdfja§ ghsfÜkshï" hlv" ueka.ksia j,ska ;ekqKq f,dayuh jia;=jla nj ikd: lrf.k ;sfnkjd' fua tu úYañ; fidhd.ekSfua ùäfhdajhs'Thd,;a n,kakfld

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